Thursday, October 30, 2008

Facebook ...a defining moment!

A defining moment for me in life was joining Facebook.

This was the time that I decided how I would like to be and what I could be.

I decide that I would learn to be a citizen of the world and befriend those that felt the same.

There were certainly infinite possibilities and the time frame was irrelevant as long as my instinct told me that the people were the right ones to be around.

I felt that one person at a time I was learning about life and sharing what I had to share, while learning more about myself. It is a continuing process of consolidation. It is learning to set goals that I choose to live up to and finding a way to do it no matter what.... Training myself to be disciplined and
running the extra mile when the need arises.

My aim is to have enduring impact on those that I come into contact with. That they remember me for listening to them talking, sharing of myself and life, making each person feel special for being the person that they are and most of all making them laugh with me and bringing happiness into their life.

I love to grab life with both hands and this is what Simon is offering his Friends. Then to spread the concept further out.

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