Monday, July 13, 2009

Universal needs

We have been in the process of a learning curve, for more than six years in order to understand what is will improve our lives, what will improve the lives of the community that we live within and honestly came to understand that this also addresses global issues. Our conclusion is that these needs are universal.

The world is in a process of dramatic change. The mechanics of life has become so complex. Interpersonal relationship, despite having better means of communication, is more complex due to the fact that we are exposed to such a wide variety of opportunities to interact.

The environment is at risk, caused by industrial waste and the transportation needs of the community.

It is up to each of us to be creative and collaborative, in order to be the cause of the needed transformation.

We need to be aware of the ecological needs of the planet and have creative platforms to address the needs, in order to make this change a reality.
Let’s pave the way, for all of us to collaborate, at the highest level in our lives making the world as one. We want to make a world in which our future generations will be able to thrive.
Intuitive Communication in the Social Media Age

The media has opened doors and we have become culturally intelligent. The way we communicate and norms of communication have changed. We continually expand our consciousness and modify how we interact within the realm of digital communication.

Social networking tools have given one the ability to upgrade the way one communicates, and have changed the way people view one another. Years ago we were taught not to talk to strangers. Today there is a complete turn about and the whole world has become our “Friend” The Collective Voice.
Is it not incredible to realize that it is less difficult to sustain the cultural differences? There is a shift to cultural diversity and inclusiveness in terms of language, race, gender, and have now no relevance in the context of generational differences as a result of new technology?

The challenge is to bring this valuable tool to all people for them to have direct access to technology, and continue to increasingly be socialized and informed digitally.

There are various styles of communication that individual’s seem to personalize, as well as, styles of communication that are appropriate in certain contexts of use. Communicating directly with another person requires a certain style, approach and understanding of when and how to use a direct communication effectively.

While communication can take place from a single voice, it can also take place from a collective voice a viewpoint or analysis or summary from various sources. Often used in our notes and blogging, taking the place of formal media and journalism.
The message may be transmitted in a unified form; the "voice" is collective.

Communication is intentional. Words, phrases, and sentences, can be formulated with great details and purpose such as in a speech or lecture leaving little space for non-verbal communications or implication.

For the digital world, graphics are just as communicative as words, sounds and integrated media bring together creative art, digital editing, and multidimensional production. Obviously communication is becoming sophisticated and much more complex. Additionally cell phones and micro blogging have led to the challenge of meaning being condensed into the smallest parts of language. The merging of visual and textual communication has produced a kind of communication that requires visual implication within literal words. The words themselves become shortened and even coded into symbolic letters.

Communication is basic to human nature and thinking is inextricably linked to language. A person couldn’t decipher one’s own thoughts without knowing language. Is there something about digitally inspired exchange of language that is currently changing and altering the rules that we use in order to converse, have dialog, and respond to one another?

One such change is that appropriateness is now very customized, in terms of the social use of language, within digital environments. The communities themselves dictate the appropriateness of the language of their members.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

140 Character Conference

This is truly the expression of a wide variety of charismatic characters.
The trend is story telling on video … yet you have brought eclectic impact.
As you said these are a bunch of people that do not hesitate to take the lead…pathfinders.

This is the reason that I searched for the live streaming and want to understand the trends. My innate curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

Real time info…your conference, Iran, a hug around Jerusalem,
The difference between watching the news and taking part in real time info is that it is real, by real people, less manipulated by the powers that be!

Communication taken to the next level and the ability to converse with anyone that is willing to do so.

My circle has increased; the ability to impact on the community, this connection has given us all infinite possibilities.

Jeff you are a visionary and I appreciate what you do.
Thanks for sending out this content.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The right to search for happiness

Inspired by David Brooks and Gail Collins who wrote an article in the new York times called “Advice for High school graduates”
I have been trying to think of some wisdom I have acquired over the past three decades.
I used to believe life got better as you got older, but now I realize this is untrue. I grew up in a upper middle class suburb in South Africa. We lived in a diverse and well connected community. We all had help at home and everything that one needed to live an extremely comfortable life.
I, too, could mention to them that high school mediocrity is no impediment to leading a happy life. In fact formal education is not necessarily the thing that will bring a person success. I was an extraordinarily mediocre student. I did not graduate in the top third of my high school class. My school books were beautiful. The letters perfectly formed, illustrated with the eye of an artist and a person whose talents led to doing some sort of research.
Writing exams were not my thing and this is the point that brought my marks down. There wasn’t a kind of hysteria that I was not able to cope with exams and I went through school mostly happy but under performing.
Age, and life gave me a certain perspective that has enabled me to upgrade my skills enormously. I learned that I do not need permission to try something new, nor do I need to judge myself too harshly if I fail and carry on trying until I do achieve my goal. That is the point.
School did not teach me to be persistent. Life did!
But I don’t think this message would go over well with the current faculty, or with the younger brothers and sisters in the audience — or at least their parents.
“At the moment, I’m thinking of talking about the chief way our society is messed up. That is to say, it is structured to distract people from the decisions that have a huge impact on happiness in order to focus attention on the decisions that have a marginal impact on happiness.”David Brooks
How true a statement, in fact where to we learn that we have an innate right to happiness.
The most important decisions any of us make is who should be our friends, who we marry, how to choose a good profession and how to choose a good environment to work in. Yet there are no courses on how to choose these practical issues.
There are no Institutions of higher learning devote more resources to semiotics than all relationship and love.
The most important talent any person can possess is the ability to make and keep friends. And yet here too there is no curriculum for this.
What young people really need is a lesson in how to choose a spouse and how to make and keep friends. One needs relationship coaching and life skills more than one needs a university.
One needs to know how to use the internet …everything one needs to live and learn is there.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Web 2.0

Web 2.0
The buzz continues and as I wade my way through piles of information, insights and “expert opinions.”
The truth is that we all have yet to make these possibilities practical, in that they give us leverage in order to expand the real possibilities that are out there.
We are like the first onlookers of the first automobile.
We are the herd trying to get a grip on the new fan dangled platform and learn how to make it work for us…to make it our own.
We want to be the “heard” and take part in the conversation.
When we started working on the vision of Truemanity there weren’t the possibilities that there are today. Our first thought was that the best way to do a marketing campaign was thought the use of e-mail distribution of the message that we wanted to get out.
The character of our innovative business plan is dynamic, and in sync with the possibilities that are happening in the social business arena.
We are way out there with a membership based business, the member also being the consumer and the content generator and having a share in the fruits of the business plan. Truemanity has our crowd using the “cloud.” We have smartened up using the web as the tool, co-creating with collective intelligence of our users who are fired-up about being part of this shift of conscious business. We are social entrepreneurs using all relevant possibilities of community building and collaboration in the most flexible way possible.
Wearing our running shoes and sprinting forward, our race is one of intellect, business acumen, the ability to stay focused on the end result for the community we are building, having the guts to evaluate and make the alterations needed along the way.
Our understanding of the power of additional up-dated social technologies, ways to integrate and simplification of getting around the web is increasing our effectiveness. Peoples digital footprint is becoming of immense value and is starting to be a measure of the persons competence a value very high in the category of life skills that is adding to their worth in all sphere’s of life. It is of relevance to mention that a good digital footprint having the values that was previously given to a university graduate. Now ones value to oneself, the community that one is part of or leads as well as your value as a business person is determined by the size, type and strength of your social relationships that you have accumulated on the ground and the web globally.
People networking want to increase their social standing and value by connecting with like-minded people. The point is that sometimes it is done in a myopic fashion. They are not in touch, with what their aims are, they also do not see that having the space to collaborate and the ability to think in a way that is similar to bartering, is of prime importance in order to advance their ventures.
They want others to share in their endeavors without wanting to hear the other person’s agenda. Most of the social and marketing plans are built in a way that recruiting is the key to development.
Truemanity’s application has taken this into account and has a level of sharing that I have not seen online before. We are truly a “social relationship and business platform.”
Our web content management will be of the utmost relevance to those taking part.
Over time we have learned who our community is and why they chose to join with us. We also appreciate their patience and understanding of the members , while we have been re-evaluating the concept. I think our relationship with the community is of such that they know we care and we aim to build something that is of immense value for as many people as possible.
We are not the software, we are the community. We are Truemanity. The person is the one that counts!

Monday, March 9, 2009

With a glint in the eye

How does a person feel growing up with the glint of pride in her parent’s eyes, the rest of the audience being three wonderful brothers, a wise and humorous grand- mother? Being a South Africa there also having an empathetic au pair and a gardener as part of the extended family. The next circle was a lovely interconnected community.
It is like arriving at the gates of heaven and being serenaded by the angels. This is what inspires me to work with people, good people that care about others and what to give opportunity to as many as possible. This is my passion…THE HUMAN ASPECT.
In fact, there were times that I was extremely shy, the observer sharpening up the communication skills by way of observation…seeing how people behaved and deciding what is right and what is wrong. Thinking back I was unknowingly sharpening up my skills to weigh up situations and the communication skills. We certainly underestimate how much is heard by children and how this influences their life.
All along our journey of life, we are being honed to live a life of purpose. Yet fear is a constant companion and many a time we do not recognize that it is the first obstacle that blocks our way forward to a life of love and meaning. Fear of death, rejection, success and failure, of love, of commitment even of being all that we can be and are made to be. Why do we not let our light shine…because we will stand out and be different from the crowd?
I always was curious as to what makes the difference in our lives? We make ourselves the way we are so we have we the ability to decide to change. We all have insight and intuition and by understanding and examining our beliefs and attentiveness to the messages we receive from ourselves and others, how we relate to coincidence, we have the map for our life journey.
How do we decide the outcome of our achievements? We need to use our thoughts to progress or they can destroy our plans and thoughts by having what if I cannot do it, what if I fail, what will other think of me….simply being negative and inactive can destroy any potential that a person posses.
I learned use these thought for inspiration by reading wonderful books and putting their content into action in my life… let positive thought and actions lead you in this wonderful journey of life. This lesson I learned at the hardest moment in my life when I got into debt and my business was being confiscated by the bank. I had a choice to hide my head in shame or learn a lesson which I could pass on to others. Guess what my choice was? I did not know exactly what the plan would be yet I made a declaration: “When I come up I will come up so strong and bring many others up with me giving them the opportunity to live better.” To move out and move up is a decision!
I learned how to get results? The only way is with persistence and a long-term plan.
Did you ever ask yourself what is your program for success? My program is to live a life of passion and purpose and passion. One has to BE proud of oneself in one’s life direction.
Everybody is able to move to growth, it was my choice and I grabbed it with both hands
I learned what moved me, motivated me to learn and progress and it was my love of people and the wish to live in a world where people are happy, connected and there is balance and choice in life.
I learned to focus on what I want and to take the first step and then found that things start to fall into place. The right people are attracted to be part of your life and doing things in a collaborative manner enhance the capabilities of all.
Have you ever thought what would you do if you believed that you can be anything you want?
I want to be successful, enjoy life, care for others and have them caring for me. I want to work in the company of smart,innovative people who are willing to lead others and share of their knowledge and I want to share of my knowledge and talents with them. This makes life fun, and it can be compared to a party, and when does one enjoy a party? A party is fantastic because of the people.